- UWinfo
- Quest
- RO
- Arts
- HR
- WorkDay
- OWA(Connect)
- Sendit
- Gmail
- Portal
- report phish
- Bing
- ChatGPT
- Copilot
- Gemini
Daily Bulletin
- Weather
- Gnews
- PR
- SN
- Hockey Pool
UW Library
- PsycINFO
- e-Journals
- RefWorks
- Liaison
- Merriam-Webster
- Thesaurus
- Dict
- Dictionary
- UW Office of Research
- Ethics/Kuali
- UW Depts
- UW People
- UW Map
- 411
Psych Nexus Notes
- New PsychIT Jira Requests
- My Jira Requests
- IST Training
- LinkedIn Learning
--- Scientists Tested AI For Cognitive Decline. The Results Were a Shock
--- University of Waterloo community members awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal, including Geoff Fong
--- City of Waterloo Snow Removal Status
--- Turning Off Anxiety: Scientists Discover the Brain’s Hidden Switch
--- See 25 Incredible Images From the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest
--- Headlights seem a lot brighter these days - because they are
--- NSA Warns iPhone And Android Users - Disable Location Tracking
Most of the information on the beeHive is of interest mainly to
folks in our department.
General information about the UW Department of Psychology can be found
on the
UW Psychology Home Page.
Also of interest to Researchers
...about local stuff:
- Nexus
- MS Teams Tips
- Local Experts
We're hoping this will help lighten the load a bit for Michael and myself..
If you are a current member of the Psychology department, here's some Local
Experts you can contact who may be able to help you out with questions or
problems with various packages.
If you are contacting them by email, use your @uwaterloo.ca
address so that they can confirm who you are. Requests from people outside
the department will be silently ignored - we don't want these kind
folks to be overwhelmed and want to avoid them from having to
deal with riff-raff from outside of the department.
- SPSS: Hilary Burbank Bergsieker hburbank@uwaterloo.ca ; Jonathan Oakman jmoakman@uwaterloo.ca ; need more volunteers please
- AMOS: Hilary Burbank Bergsieker hburbank@uwaterloo.ca ; more volunteers please
- R: Igor Grossman igrossma@uwaterloo.ca ; more volunteers please
- Qualtrics: Hilary Burbank Bergsieker hburbank@uwaterloo.ca ; more volunteers please
- PsychoPy: Mike Dixon mjdixon@uwaterloo.ca
- E-Prime: need volunteers please
- Excel: Mike Dixon mjdixon@uwaterloo.ca
We'd really like to get as many people as possible volunteering here,
so if you'd like to
help out in one or more areas, let me know and I'll add your contact info.
These folks are doing it on a volunteer basis and might have their own
higher priorities, so please respect their time and work around their
schedule (meaning they might not be able to help you out right away).
- Finding People
- Library Resources
- Course Related and Marking
- UW Computing, Hardware and Software
- Peruse:
UW Secretriay = Policies
--- UW Policy 46 - Information Management
--- UW Information security services (ISS)
--- Computer Security Incident Response Procedure
--- Information Security Breach Response Procedure
- Here's some information about upcoming
IST Training.
Be sure to take advantage of the
IST Online Course Materials.
UW Software Licensing
includes information on packages available for UW-owned machines
at a reduced cost.
Many can be purchased through UW accounts directly from the
IST Webstore
and if a Nexus machine name is specified, the software will automatically
be installed an hour or two later.
You can also find details on software which faculty/staff/grads can get for
personally owned machines for free or deeply discounted - e.g.,
(one copy of Windows 10 is available for $11.95)
and other
Software for Students (Imagine, SAS, S-Plus, etc).
Microsoft 365 also provides 5 Office
Suite (Word, Excel, etc) licenses to install on personally owned machines
- see
UW Microsoft 365.
NVivo is also available at no cost for UW members.
- IST Contacts for specific applications
- Dell UW pricing
(if registering create a unique password different from your UW password)
- Laptop loans
are available from the ACO if you need something in a pinch.
- The Waterloo Content Management System
is available to researchers to set up lab web sites.
IST can assist with the move of existing sites to, among other things,
ensure the site conforms
to the newly legislated
Accessibility laws.
Sites need a full-time staff member as a point of contact so
contact PsychIT@uwaterloo.ca and we can get the ball rolling.
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
- WStore
- SHARCNET - high performance computing (HPC) environment
- Print and Retail Solutions
- Waterloo Photos.
See also
- Digital assets from Waterloo Photos can now be added to many of the content types within the WCMS..
- Here's info on the
UW Campus Network.
To connect to the campus wifi/wi-fi/wireless network, use
- be sure to login with "youruserid@uwaterloo.ca".
Here's some
troubleshooting tips,
an Eduroam Configuration Tool.
and an
Wi-fi incident report form
if you run into major issues (cc PsychIT@uwaterloo.ca well so we're in the loop).
will also allow you to
use wireless at other universities.
People with wired-wireless connections may need to check the
802.1x Configuration Guides.
If you are curious, here's IST's
WiFI charts.
Campus Wireless Guidelines
Wireless - what you need to know
- email PsychIT@uwaterloo.ca for problems in the department so
that we can coordinate the reporting of problems.
Net-ID (NetID, Net ID) to provide temporary access to
wireless for UW visitors. They'll need to login to
UW VPN Service
--- Check your UW VPN connection
to receive messages in the event of a campus emergency.
Sendit is a service for transferring files when email is not appropriate, whether because of file size, file type or concerns over security.
Zoom Pro/Educational licenses are vailable to faculty/staff/grads - login at https://uwaterloo.zoom.us/. Stick to Teams meeting when possible for meeting with people on campus.
- What to do in the event of a power outage.
- Additional UW Info
- E-Prime
- Misc
...mostly about computer stuff:
- World Wide Web
- Archives and Help for UNIX, Mac, DOS and Windows
- Virus Info
- Email, Phishing Attempts and Fighting Spam
- Hoax Info
- Home Networking
- Security
- Stats
- Misc
There. I guess the above items effectively makes the consulting
portion of my job obsolete...
Here's some good sources for additional information:
Most of the following can be found tucked underneath the
UWinfo WWW
home page.
Shuttle Services at UW
---- GRT easyGO Real-Time Map
---- easyGO Mobile Application
---- Weather
---- UW Weather
---- Auroral 30 Minute Forecast
---- Canadian Lightning Danger Map - Ontario
---- The Scientific 7-Minute Workout
Test files:
Long mpeg
---- short mpeg
---- Fred gif
---- .mp3 Sound file
---- .au Sound file
---- .wav Sound file
---- .mov QT file
---- .avi file
---- Real Audio
---- PDF file
---- PS file
---- Flash Player Version
---- fillable PDF file
---- Flash Examples (bottom of page)
---- Java Sorting
Hey Shared Mailboxers!!!
Login to these with your personal UWuserid@uwaterlooca userid/password/2FA credentials if you've been given access:
- anxiety
---- attlab
---- babylab
---- becklab
---- cacrg
---- canlab
---- canlab2
---- cawl
---- cbdr
---- cburrlab
---- ccl
---- ccs
---- ccsethic
---- childres
---- clpurdo2
---- cmhripad
---- cmhrt
---- cmhrte
---- cmhrtint
---- cmhrttrc
---- dct
---- dicelab
---- digrlab
---- djbrown2
---- djbrown3
---- djbrown4
---- dkoehlab
- ecec
---- ececipad
---- efrisko2
---- efrisko3
---- efrisko4
---- efrisko5
---- efrisko6
---- efrisko7
---- efrisko8
---- efrisko9
---- essprism
---- essrise
---- f2lab
---- facelab
---- gasp
---- gradpsyc
---- igrosra1
---- itc
---- itcpepro
---- itcstudy
- jdancke2
---- jdancke3
---- jdancke4
---- jdancke5
---- jdancke6
---- jdancke7
---- maferna3
---- mcglab
---- mcglab2
---- mjdixon2
---- npd
---- oops
---- orilab
- pirt
---- pirt1
---- pirt2
---- pirt3
---- pirt4
---- psy-atti
---- psya9ke1
---- psya9ke2
---- psyadmin
---- psyasch1
---- psyc2co2
---- psyc2col
---- psycanb
---- psycdll (developmental.lab)
---- psycell1
---- psycell2
---- psych
---- psych207
---- psych391
---- psychco2
---- psychcol
---- psychdns
---- psychedi
---- psychfin
---- psychreg
---- psychsm
---- psychug
---- psychwcl
- psycjobs
---- psycmac2
---- psycmac3
---- psycmac4
---- psycmac5
---- psycoop1
---- psycoop2
---- psycpool
---- psyd3br2
---- psyd3br3
---- psydevon
---- psydisco
---- psydmos1
---- psydmos2
---- psydmos3
---- psydsmil1
- psyecec1
---- psyecec2
---- psyecec3
---- psyecec4
---- psyecec5
---- psyecpad
---- psyenil2
---- psyfaml
---- psyfrie1
---- psygrsch
---- psyhhen2
---- psyhhen3
---- psyhhen4
---- psyhhen5
---- psyhhen6
---- psyhhend
---- psyjdanc
---- psyjedi
---- psyjmic2
- psylift
---- psymafe1
---- psymafe2
---- psymafe3
---- psymjdix
---- psynhest
---- psyrbobo
---- psys4ha1
---- psysmden
---- psysmde2
- psychsoc (PsychSoc@uwaterloo.ca General)
---- psysoc1 (PsychSoc.President@uwaterloo.ca)
---- psysoc2 (PsychSoc.FinanceDirector@uwaterloo.ca)
---- psysoc3 (PsychSoc.ComDirector@uwaterloo.ca)
---- psysoc4 (PsychSoc.VP@uwaterloo.ca)
---- psysoc5 (PsychSoc.EventsDirector@uwaterloo.ca)
---- psysoc6 (PsychSoc.AcademicDirector@uwaterloo.ca)
---- psysoc7 (PsychSoc.DesignDirector@uwaterloo.ca )
---- psysoc8 (Psychpeermentorship@uwaterloo.ca)
- psytmca1
---- psytmca2
---- psyusra
---- psywhit2(psych-lidl)
---- psywhit3
---- psywlad3
---- purdlab
---- regadmin
---- regtest1
---- relation
---- ritier2
---- ritier3
- sdl
---- smilera1
---- smilera2
---- smilera3
---- smilera4
---- smilera5
---- smilera6
---- smilera7
---- src
---- srmlab
---- srmlabf
---- srmlabhs
---- uwhrs
---- waclab
---- wdr
---- wholefam
---- wladair2
---- wrap
Hey Janice and Nick!!!
Room Bookings: PAS 3026
---- PAS 4032
---- PAS 4053
Hey REDCap users!!!
---- Optometry REDCap
Hey Dixon Lab!!!
---- Gambling Research Lab SharePoint site
Hey Fernandes Lab!!!
---- WRAP SharePoint site
Hey Danckert Lab!!!
---- NPD SharePoint site
Hey Roxane, James, Myra, Dan, Evan and other Matlabers!!!
Download or use MATLAB online Send an email to PsychIT@uwaterloo.ca if you need Matlab installed on any Nexus stations.
If you are attempting to run Matlab on non-Nexus PCs, keep in mind about
Renaming User IDs.
Note to self: for users to set their own path, copy "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2022b\toolbox\loca\pathdef.m" (change "R2022b" to whatever version you are working with) to the user's Documents\MATLAB folder and double-click on it to start Matlab once. The Documents\MATLAB\pathdef.m can then be modified as desired and Matlab will use it each time it starts.
See also:
Specify Startup Options,
Change Folders on the Search Path,
General Preferences,
Hey Dept!!!
---- Departmental Listing of Support Staff Position Descriptions
---- Use Word mail merge for email
---- Mail merge using an Excel spreadsheet
Hey Michael, Gordon, and Abdul!!!
---- IST KB Confluence
---- ACO Coop Survival Guide
---- IST RT
---- RT Docs
---- PsychMap2
---- CALMS
---- Test CALMS
Netmon (New ONA)
---- HP ONA (for 1099a)
---- Old ONA (don't use after Jan 2021)
---- wired into wireless
---- network test
Nexus List
---- Nexus List (sortable)
---- Nexus Down
---- Nexus List by room
---- Nexus Rooms
---- Printer List
---- last seen on network
---- ONA Status
---- Last Known Machine OU
---- some install notes
Apple Orders - search for UW, login as guest, should see Education Institution on quotations
Windows 11 supported Intel processors
--- User onboarding
--- IST User onboarding
Plant Ops Service Interruptions
---- Plant Ops work requests
How to Add Address Book to RICOH Printers.docx (sharepoint.com)
ACO Survival Guide (ACO SharePoint)
---- VirusTotal
---- beeHive Flash
---- whereami
How to Delete a Windows Recovery Partition
---- 6 PowerShell commands for troubleshooting Windows problems
---- Expand Recovery Partition
---- Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files
Hey me!!!
Nexus Filespace Migration to OneDrive
self move instructions
check OneDrive folder mappings
---- InfoBlox
---- Infoblox Help Page
---- Netmon (New ONA)
---- ONA port errors
---- Blocked MACs
---- AirWave (w/ PAS heat maps)
SCCM Reports! (IE only)
---- Deployments by Collection within all Arts SCCM
---- Psychology Failed Installs
---- Arts failed installs
---- Arts failed installs 2
---- Vanguard Failed Installs
---- Support Center Client Tools
---- Qualys training recording
---- Qualys Agents
---- IT-VulnManagement Group
---- ISS Tools Compromised search
Identiv Velocity fob instructions
Arts mailing list
---- Artsannounce archives
---- Connect Reports
---- Exchange admin center
---- M365 email admin center
---- update Distribution Lists
IST Service Alerts
---- IST Service Catalogue
---- IST Recent Information Security Threats
DUO 2FA Admin
---- Grouper
---- M365 License Management Portal
Courses with access to SPSS VDI
---- ACO PD
---- PAS 1237 booking
ACO Orders
Arts-ACO-Helpdesk SharePoint
Meetings: ACO
Azure Latency Test
---- UWhoAmI
---- ONA Dashboard
---- Eduroam Helper emails
---- ISS Tools
--- Dell UW pricing
---- audit
---- Tuque
---- SLAs
---- for new MS Teams
---- Collaborate
---- Mattermost
---- Reset Nexus Profile
---- CDW
---- msicuu2.exe
---- IST Webstore
---- Asset Disposal Form
---- IST Contacts for specific applications
---- Nexus Documentation Project
---- show .forward files
---- Psych Printer Logs
---- CAS client authentication methods
---- IST Seminar Webcasts
---- IST SEW Handouts
---- IST Projects
---- UW Academic Support Computing Representitives Group
---- Microsoft Security Essentials
---- How to Move a Window That Is Off-Screen
---- OLD UW Psych Qualtrics Login (don't use anymore)
Previous ACO RDP options for SPSS/AMOS (no longer work):
ACO Remote access to software
RDP to ACO labs.
The Catch
---- Champs 2011
---- circa 1996 beeHive (created 1993 on glitch I think but that one is the first capture by the waybackmachine, here's a
Daily Bulletin article
from a few years later).
---- circa 1997 dept pages
Hey Vanguard Testers!!!
Vanguard Reporting Page
Vanguard Testing Checklist
Hey Poolsters!!!
Here's the
Past beeHive Pool Winners.
Hey exercise!!!
Go to https://warrior.uwaterloo.ca/Team
--- Squash Court Reservations
--- Staff Pickleball
P.S. Most people in our department use this as a starting page for their web
browser - it's a little long because its designed as an OSAUCFTS
(One Stop And Use Ctrl-F To Search)
resource :-).
Bill Eickmeier
IT Specialist
University of Waterloo
Department of Psychology
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G1
Room: PAS 4008
Voice: 1-519-888-4567 x46638
FAX: 1-519-746-8631
URL: https://beehive.uwaterloo.ca/
Jump to
- UW Psychology
- UWInfo
- the top of the beeHive
Last Updated:
by bee@uwaterloo.ca